Saturday, May 24, 2014

Up the Amp by MAC

Hi guys!

I've finally got Up The Amp lipstick by MAC! This was a color on my list to get from MAC, and I'm very excited that I finally have it! 

Although I have tons of purple lipstick of all shades, I don't think I have one this light. Up The Amp is one of MAC's amplified lipsticks so it is bright, but it is still a lighter purple. It is not as deep purple as Heroine, it is definitely lighter, but it is still a bright color. It looks a little dull when looking at it in the packaging, but you get a completely different look when you put it on. It is creme lipstick so it is not drying at all. 

I have tried this color on in the stores plenty of times so I already knew what to expect when I put it on, and I still loved it!

I was taking a picture indoors so hopefully I captured the true color of the lipstick. As you can see, it is a fairly light purple, but still bright which I love. Perfect summer lip color! Flirty, pretty, and fun! 

Hope you enjoyed the post!
Until next time!



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